The human body is capable of working for about 8 hours a day or even more. Since no human is a complete machine, anyone is bound to get tired at some point. This could be from lack of energy or lack of motivation to do the work, and this certainly reduces productivity.
Motivation encompasses the factors that drive someone to behave in a certain way or do just about anything. You can decide to sleep in on a Saturday, but your friends may be the motivating factor driving you to go shopping instead. Whether good or bad, there are always a few reasons why we enjoy doing whatever we do.
While at work or school, everyone usually has goals or targets to achieve and aim at being productive every time. Now choosing to be unproductive and sleeping in on a Monday just leads to a waste of precious time, which could have easily been used to accomplish a lot!
Although you need to stay motivated towards whatever you do, it is not untrue that it doesn’t always work that way. Trying to keep yourself on track is difficult, especially if your goal is not entirely possible. While you cannot force yourself, there are things you could do to keep yourself on the go when you have a lack of motivation to work.
Here are 5 simple ways to keep productivity while facing a lack of motivation:
1. Set Simple and Straightforward Goals
Usually, being overwhelmed with tons of activity can weaken the zeal to do work. Imagine having compound tasks to do and being bothered about the time to get it all done. Rather than having so much to do and sit around not doing them, start doing something by sorting them out. Tasks can look cumbersome if they are not simplified or properly sorted out.
According to Bruce Lee, spending too much time thinking about something, leads to not getting it done eventually.
Sometimes, we lose sight of what we really need or what we should be going after. Take out time to evaluate what you should achieve in say three days or a week or month and get to work. Do not let distractions in the way of your goals, and you will find yourself pressing on towards achieving them.
Also, make sure that you simplify your goals. Big goals might be more challenging to achieve when you’re not very motivated than small, simple goals. This only means that rather than saying, “I will type 100 letters today,” say, “Before lunch, I should have typed at least 20 letters”. More realistic goals are easier to handle than big goals, which might require a lot more effort.
2. Engage Teams
Whether it’s just an extra person as a mentor or close colleague, or more people, you are most likely to work better in a team. Having one or two mentors, for instance, you will come to appreciate having someone check up on your progress. Mentors also serve as a standby guide, especially in times when you are overwhelmed or feeling too low. This is usually because they have been through the same several times and can help with a few tips to keep you working.
Getting a bigger team can also aid greatly. You can set goals or targets publicly and try to get them, and you also have other people checking up on your work process. Working with a team is a great idea because you might face a lack of motivation to be as productive as you want. You can also let your team or even other people in your life about your plans. With this, you have a reminder of how you don’t want to fail and remain steady on the go.
3. Celebrate Achievements & Maintain Good Working Habits.
The setting of goals and targets, working alone or together with one should be celebrated. When you make time to celebrate little achievements, there are silent driving forces registered in your mind. At times when you seem poorly motivated to work, those forces help push you up. Always congratulate yourself on met goals, if possible, keep a record of them to encourage yourself to do more. It is even better if you have a working routine to keep you balanced, then you get to know what’s working for you and what habits to let go of.
Another great habit is setting your to-do list or tasks on your calendar with a timesheet app. With that, you’re able to monitor yourself and stick to a defined routine. Eventually, this makes rewarding yourself for achievements even easier.
4. Take Breaks
Quite a large number of people have little or understanding regarding the concept of resting from a pile of work. They are usually so caught up with work, trying to meet deadlines. If you are one such person, desist from it. Most are usually so busy but not being productive in the least.
You want to spend time covering grounds, but it is crucial to take breaks, else you would get worked up and become less productive. It is good trying to meet deadlines, but that is not enough reason to keep working tirelessly and not getting any real results. Usually, the brain can be revved up after long hours of stress. Exercise, soft music, good beverages, do whatever you can to relax, even sleep! While you relax, let your brain regain itself, and you can watch yourself working even better.
5. Stay Healthy
It is not just your mind that needs to stay focused so you can be productive. Your body needs all the fuel and encouragement it can get to keep going. With good food, the body stays healthy, and exercise helps keep the body sound.
The importance of healthy living with food and exercise cannot be overemphasized. When your body is fit and healthy, blood flow is easier, and your brain gets the chance to function better. In that way, you focus easily on essential things and get much more done with a lack of motivation or even no motivation at all.
Every human has high and low moments. Sometimes the zeal to work is unparalleled, and you find yourself working tirelessly and putting out results. Sometimes you’re motivated by just pure joy, huge bonuses, praises, or any other thing. Other times, those motivating factors seem to be missing. You find out that you have to take care of yourself because no matter what, you have to be productive and give out good results.
Do you ever find yourself in the middle of having a lot to do, but with nothing to drive you? Have you applied any of our suggestions to help yourself? What other steps did you take? Do leave your comments below.