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find joy

Every year, humanity is faced with new challenges and challenges. But 2020 has become truly unique for almost the entire planet. Surely this year has brought more global change than any other in the past 70 years. The health system did not cope with so many cases. Therefore, dozens of countries were forced to close their borders in the hope of stopping the spread of the disease.
Hundreds of thousands of firms quit their activities during quarantine, while millions of people ended up in domestic isolation. But man is a social being, so many people are now struggling to find joy during this pandemic.

However, where a weak person seeks excuse by idleness, the strong one finds opportunities. Home isolation can be very useful for many people – free time will help to understand yourself, find inner harmony, and even find joy. In this article, we will give you some tips to find joy while socially isolating!

1. Clean Your Space(s)

Home quarantine is a great way to do the things you always put off until tomorrow. Now you have time, and there is no reason to be lazy. Look around – there are probably many things here that need your attention. For example:

Clean Your Wardrobe

Putting things in order and getting rid of everything unnecessary will give you a feeling of lightness and satisfaction. Just open the closet, look at things, and analyze the wardrobe. Psychologists recommend adhering to several basic principles. It is necessary to ask the question – “does this thing bring pleasure, am I happy when I put it on”. If the answer is no, then just throw this thing away or give it to those in need. There is also a “one year rule”. If you have not worn this item for more than one year, you do not need it.

Organize Phone and Computer

You must admit that there are many files on your phone and computer that you have not been using for a long time. But before you did not have time for these procedures, but now it is enough. Old reports, films watched years ago, forgotten books, photographs of former acquaintances, etc. – all this is an unnecessary burden. Remove all of these materials. You do not need them, and getting rid of unnecessary memories will not only give you emotional unloading and make you happier but also improve the performance of gadgets and give more space.

Rearrange Your Living Space

Admit it, you have long thought that this sofa is in the wrong place. And this cabinet is also not needed here, and the desktop is in a too dark place, devoid of sunlight. Now you have time to change the interior and make it as harmonious as possible. Of course, this decision needs to be discussed with other family members, but the new atmosphere and interior will help to cheer up and feel a surge of strength. Besides, even your brain will now perceive the apartment in a new way and work more actively.

Arrange Culinary Experiments

Due to quarantine, even going to the grocery store has become a significant event. Why not get the most out of it? For example, take in the store those ingredients that are exotic for you and show the cook’s talent. On the Internet, there are a huge number of recipes and professional lessons. This is an interesting pastime that will also bring pleasure to your body. However, you can do without lessons – experiments in the kitchen are a positive action.

2. Be Physically Active

Physical condition greatly affects our emotions and mood. There is a pearl of ancient wisdom: “In a healthy body – a healthy mind.” Therefore, it is important to pay attention to your physical condition. Moreover, in quarantine, you have the opportunity and time.

Set a Daily Schedule

Accustom the body to sleep, work, and eat at the same time. You will feel how after a few days your health improves. It is very important to sleep the recommended 8 hours (if necessary, you can take a nap for another hour after lunch). Such a schedule will help to keep the body in good shape, to be the most productive, but the main thing is to feel a good mood and inner harmony.

Physical activity is very important not only during quarantine but also in everyday life. Even standard exercises (squats, pushups, home aerobics) help make your heart, muscles, and body more healthy. Today on the Internet there are many different videos where you can read about the basic techniques of exercises and home workouts. Of course, the first few days will be difficult, but then your body will ask for these exercises.

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3. Work On Your Emotional State

This is a very important component, which is a must for happiness. A person in a state of stress, neurosis, or anger experiences only negative emotions. This is especially aggravated during quarantine and self-isolation. Therefore, try to distract from bad thoughts and concentrate on pleasant actions that bring positive emotions.

Do Yoga and Meditation

Yoga is an amazing activity that will allow the body to relax, but most importantly, it stimulates the internal organs and helps their work. Today, everyone can try any technique. No need to devote too much time at first or try to conquer complex programs. This process should be logical and beneficial, and not annoying.
The same principles apply to meditation. This process allows you to plunge into yourself, feel calm, and relieve stress. Meditation for beginners is a fairly simple process that anyone can master. There is also a ton of techniques. The basic principle is strong and deep breathing, a peaceful state, and the absence of negative thoughts. We also recommend that you learn more about breathing exercises, which will be useful not only for meditation but also for health.

Watch Your Appearance

Isolation from society is not a reason to refuse a pleasant appearance. Of course, you can forget about the razor and clean clothes, refuse manicure or a beautiful hairstyle. But your mood will not improve because of this. Psychologists have proven that a person is much more comfortable and comfortable when he likes his appearance.
Moreover, it is not difficult – Home beauty treatments will help you to be satisfied with yourself and maintain your appearance at altitude. Hair masks, face masks, various scrubs – you can do everything yourself. This also applies to men – beautiful and comfortable clothes, a stylish hairstyle and a pleasant appearance should become your home reality. Besides, then exit from quarantine will be as comfortable as possible. But most importantly – you can feel the inner harmony and take another step towards personal happiness.

4. Gain New Skills and Knowledge

Of course, we feel the greatest happiness when we gain new knowledge, develop, and progress. Home isolation has limited many people from work. But thanks to modern technology, we can still learn and gain new knowledge. Moreover, now you have time for this. So write a list of your desires (you can write separately short-term and long-term topics), study it, and take the first step.

Learn a New Language

Scientists have proven that one of the best ways for mental development is to learn new languages. In this case, the brain gains new knowledge and begins to work especially productively. The best option is to choose the language that you like and has a common basis with your native language (Spanish-Portuguese, English-German, etc.). There are many convenient educational platforms, programs, and applications with interesting and effective lessons. Thanks to this, you can get out of quarantine better and more educated than before.

Do a Financial Audit

It looks like now is the perfect time to analyze your budget. See what income and expenses have occurred this year, which are coming soon. Fill out a tax return and see if it is possible to get a tax refund. You may get some good news. Of course, money will not make you happy, but they will give you pleasant emotions, which are a necessary component of happiness.

Take Online Courses

Not all people have a dream job. Some just found an opportunity to earn money, but do not feel happiness. Now you have a chance to get the knowledge and skills that you have always dreamed about. Now there are a lot of free courses that you can take online and even get a new education in this way. Moreover, now you have time to find a new job that will please you (you may be a born designer or writer). Also, learning new information helps your brain stay young and healthy longer. And this is another integral part to find joy.

Get Joy from Cinema and Culture

A happy person is a harmonious person. There is a lot of beauty in the world, and you have a chance to learn more about the world’s cultural heritage. Fans of opera and ballet get the opportunity to attend online concerts. Now you have the opportunity to sit in the front row, and even completely free. For example, on March 15, the Vienna State Opera opened archives and daily broadcasts recordings of ballets and operas. And the State Bavarian Opera will show six performances of the 2019/2020 season. The Berlin Philharmonic and the Budapest State Opera also joined in this action.

You can even travel online by visiting various cities and attractions. Moreover, now users have the opportunity to go on an excursion to any museum: the Louvre, the Hermitage, the Uffizi Gallery, the Prado Museum, Van Gogh, and others.

Books and Films

Another pleasure for which there was not enough time before. Now you have the opportunity to watch those series and films that were planned or those that were recommended by friends. Also do not forget about books – classics of literature are waiting for you. Reading is a sign of an intelligent person, and to achieve happiness is easier if you are a harmonious and well-educated person.
And, of course, music. This is magic in notes. Thanks to free time, you can find new groups, listen to your old favourite bands, and even make playlists for every day and every situation. Music greatly influences our mood and inner state, helping us to find joy.

5. Maintain Your Relationships

Man is a social animal. Contact with other people is important to him, and the lack of interaction is perceived as an inconvenience. Of course, having to find joy in such conditions is impossible. Isolation does not mean going outdoors, dating, or parties. But you still have a large number of opportunities thanks to modern technology.

Spend More Time with Kids

This is an ideal situation if you live in a house with a lawn and a playground, and your children are near you. Now you have time for communication and joint entertainment. Family is a very important aspect of happiness: cheerful children and a smiling partner will give you a lot of positive emotions. If you live alone, this is an occasion to call relatives and chat with them. It can be parents, children, brothers, sisters, etc. You see, thanks to quarantine, you finally became closer and more likely to communicate, forgot about quarrels (maybe), and made peace.

Host a “Virtual” Party

Why not? If you are at home in self-isolation, this does not mean at all that you need to sit and be bored at home alone. New technologies will help you. Meeting with friends, albeit virtual, will cheer you up. Many different sites and applications offer enjoyable virtual communication. However, we recommend dosing this communication with new people. Do not completely concentrate on the virtual world.


Of course, no formula will simply find joy for you. Because there is no clear recipe, and different things make different people happy. But to find joy, we require a combination of many factors. You must become a harmonious person to feel the inner Zen. May luck accompany you along the way.

Carola Richer

Carola Richter is a professional esports journalist who reviews esports events and trends in the industry. Recently, she’s decided to create the blog where she could share her passion with the readers interested in the topic.

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