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Your self-esteem reflects yourself, your skills, your expertise, your potentials, and your abilities to handle situations, pressure, problems, and issues. It can also define your reactions towards your actions, your attitude, your likes, and your dislikes.

Everyone is born with different sets of skills and different efficiency levels. Let’s have a look at some ways you can increase and boost your low self-esteem.

1. Remember Your Accomplishments and Achievements

Make a list of all your accomplishments and achievements throughout your life. Be proud of them as well. After reviewing your list, you will feel more confident in yourself, you will realize you have achieved a lot of awesome things and are capable of doing something special!

2. Be Creative and Unique

Creativity plays a vital role in uplifting your hidden abilities and skills. Try to do different things until and unless you find something which is beneficial for you. Trying different things will enable you to gain more life experience and increase your self-esteem. It will also prove to you that you can do anything you put your mind to.

I recommend this because personally, I get bored with repeated activities and jobs that require the same methodology. So encourage yourself to boost your self-esteem level by trying different things.

3. Focus On Your Values

It is necessary to know your values and make sure that your whole life is aligned with your values. Don’t try comparing your values with others.

Understand the changes and steps that need to be taken to meet your values. It’s simple, and you should take a stand for the things you believe in. Standing up for the right cause will always help you to boost your self-confidence.

4. Accept Challenges

I always try to challenge myself to try new things.
Doing this not only helps you to learn new things but will also enable you to start believing in yourself.

5. Stand at the Edge of Your Comfort Zone

Confidence increases by meeting and coordinating with different people of different backgrounds and experiences. Many people, including me, hesitate and feel nervous whenever participating in get-togethers. Put yourself in “uncomfortable” situations and challenge yourself!

6. Be a Helping Hand for Someone

Generally, when we feel low, we mostly don’t think about others and our social responsibilities to help others with their hurdles.

Utilize your potentials, experiences, and abilities to help others. Provide assistance and resources as much as you can. It will definitely return to you in any way by any medium.

7. Forget Your Past and Think About Future

Try to counsel yourself before the end of the day. This will help you to easily realize what have you done and what needs to be done. You should have a high aim and focused vision every day.

As Steve Jobs once said,

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So, you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

8. Don’t Worry What Others Think

Don’t think about what others may say or think about you. Just focus on yourself because it is YOUR life. However, sometimes opinions can be useful and help guide you. Therefore, it is always good to listen to advice.

9. Keep Yourself Inspired and Motivated

Keep yourself inspired and motivated by following and reading about your role model. It will help you to come out above and overcome your low self-esteem. Think positive.

10. Reclaim Your Integrity

Try to adjust your life with your character. Otherwise, it will upset you and destroy your mental growth. Take appropriate actions to live, according to your character.

11. Ignore Negative People

Do not care about negative people and don’t give power to negative people in your life. Just ignore them and engage with people who understand your values and nature. They will uplift your values.

12. Set Your Limits and Don’t Let Others Cross it

Never give someone a chance to cross your limits. If they try to do so, take prompt action according to the situation in order to avoid further issues. However, you should try and remain calm and steady.

You may leave the conversation politely or you may divert the situation by focusing on other elements. Remember, don’t allow anyone to take advantage of you.

13. Make Your Appearance Smart, Professional and Clean

Try to build yourself as a smart, professional, and clean person. Usually, when we are upset, tired, and sick, we don’t focus on our appearance and style.

Our minds and energy go down, which impacts our ability to make the right decision at that time. Our appearance is interconnected with our internal and spiritual aspects.

It may take time to build a clean and professional look, but it will help us to improve positive thinking and attitude. Perform all your duties in a positive manner and avoid adopting negative elements.

14. Don’t Be Nervous About Failing

It may be difficult to accept failures but it is also good for your mental growth. Failure will help you to learn what you did wrong and how to improve. It will allow you to restructure yourself and remove all those things which may come in the way of your success such as your bad habits, behavior, etc.

16. Face Your Fears and Hurdles

Prepare your mind and yourself to face any fear and hurdle. Don’t expect so much from life. You can’t predict what will happen every second. So be ready for every moment, as you never know how it will change your life.

As Walt Disney stated,

All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles have strengthened me… You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.

17. Become a Mentor

Be a mentor for those who are facing low self-esteem problems. At this time, all they need is your guidance, your positive attitude, your positive thinking, your experiences, your leadership, your support, and your way of working so they can face progress.

18. Define Your Goals

It is necessary to define your goals, visions, and success so that you get on the right track to reach your destination. You also need to identify success in terms of your confidence. So first figure out; who you are, what you want, and what you have to do to get what you want. Then, work hard and reach your destination.

Amanda Jerelyn

Amanda Jerelyn is currently working as an Associate Editor at King Essay. She has a keen interest in writing articles, blogs, and columns and she occasionally contributes content to Guide2Write. Amanda Jerelyn's writing style is easy to understand for readers because of using simple language and common words.

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1 Comment
  • Menard
    4:26 PM, 11 January 2021

    We can all use these good reminders…slumps are self-perpetuating…
    Let’s not forget the great value of Sunlight, Time in Nature, physical exertion and development. Endorphins are a wonderful relaxant.
    Thanks, Amanda!

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