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Socrates' quotes- featured image

Socrates was a great ancient Greek philosopher. He received education in subjects like geometry and mathematics etc. The accumulation and sharing of knowledge were the main goals of his life. He said,

“True knowledge is possible provided we make a reasonable effort for it. There is nothing as pure as knowledge.”

He believed in not believing anything blindly and encouraged others to think logically. He considered himself a citizen of the world. Socrates also used to criticize religiously and politically. Socrates tried to bring about a change in Western civilization with his ideas. His ideas and logics were contrary to the society and governance of that time, and religious people did not like it.

His opponents falsely accused him of spoiling the youth and being an atheist, and for that, he was punished with poison to death. Socrates, without hesitation, drank the poison. Before his last breath, Socrates described his death as the release of the soul from the body.

Socrates was simple in appearance but believed that good deeds are true beauty. Socrates was a teacher who gave great people to society through his higher teachings. We should try to adopt some of his teachings in our life. Socrates’ quotes are one of the ways to do so. Without further ado, I want to share some of the famous Socrates quotes with you all.

Here are 49 of the most famous Socrates’ quotes to enlighten yourself. I believe these Socrates’ quotes will direct you towards the ultimate truth of life.

49 Most Enlightening Socrates’ Quotes To Learn The Ultimate Truth

  1. “Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.” –Socrates
  2. “Be slow to fall into friendship, but when you are in, continue firm and constant.” –Socrates
  3. “The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.” –Socrates
  4. “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” –Socrates
  5. “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” –Socrates
  6. “Falling down is not a failure. Failure comes when you stay where you have fallen.” –Socrates
  7. “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” –Socrates
  8. “I don’t care what people say about me. I do care about my mistakes.” –Socrates
  9. “Understanding a question is half an answer.” –Socrates
  10. “Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others.” –Socrates
  11. “There is no possession more valuable than a good and faithful friend.” –Socrates
  12. “Get not your friends by bare compliments, but by giving them sensible tokens of your love.” –Socrates
  13. “Nature has given us two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue-to the end that we should hear and see more than we speak.” –Socrates
  14. “Envy is the ulcer of the soul.” –Socrates
  15. “Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding onto.” –Socrates
  16. “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” –Socrates
  17. “To find yourself, think for yourself.” –Socrates
  18. “Only the extremely ignorant or the extremely intelligent can resist change.” –Socrates
  19. “We can do nothing without the body, let us always take care that it is in the best condition to sustain us.” –Socrates
  20. “Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” –Socrates
  21. “I am a citizen, not of Athens, or Greece, but of the world.” –Socrates
  22. “The easiest and noblest way is not to be crushing others, but to be improving yourselves.” –Socrates
  23. “Be as you wish to seem.” –Socrates
  24. “Death may be the greatest of all human blessings.” –Socrates
  25. “Wealth does not bring about excellence, but excellence brings about wealth and all other public and private blessings.” –Socrates
  26. “I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.” –Socrates
  27. “Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued.” –Socrates
  28. “Better to do a little well, then a great deal badly.” –Socrates
  29. “Do not be angry with me if I tell you the truth” –Socrates
  30. “Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty.” –Socrates
  31. “I know you won’t believe me, but the highest form of Human Excellence is to question oneself and others.” –Socrates
  32. True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” –Socrates
  33. “To move the world we must move ourselves.” –Socrates
  34. “If you want to be wrong then follow the masses.” –Socrates
  35. “False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.” –Socrates
  36. “The shortest and surest way to live with honour in the world is to be in reality what we would appear to be; and if we observe, we shall find, that all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by the practice of them.” –Socrates
  37. “Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions; but those who kindly reprove thy faults.” –Socrates
  38. “I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled poets to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean.” –Socrates
  39. “Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat.” –Socrates
  40. “From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate.” –Socrates
  41. “Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” –Socrates
  42. “A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true.” –Socrates
  43. “In every person, there is a sun. Just let them shine” –Socrates.
  44. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is a habit.” –Socrates
  45. “I am a fool, but I know I’m a fool and that makes me smarter than you.” –Socrates
  46. “Awareness of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom.” –Socrates
  47. “The unexamined life is not worth living.” –Socrates
  48. “If what you want to tell me is neither True nor Good nor even Useful, why tell it to me at all.” –Socrates
  49. “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” –Socrates

Rahul Bansal

Rahul is a freelance author, chemist, a teacher and has a lot of passion for spirituality, humanity & self-development. Being in the writing industry for many years, Rahul has a plethora of knowledge which he loves to share and discuss with his readers. He loves to write about self-improvement and share quotes he finds inspiring.

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