If you want to achieve your goals, you first have to decide what they are and determine their level of importance. The first part may sound trivial – but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t know what goals to set nor what they want. If you don’t set any goals, understand you’re not going to achieve a whole lot. In this article, I will discuss how you can effectively set goals and achieve them too!
1. Setting Realistic Goals
Let’s talk about setting goals for a moment. Think about what kind of life you want – your “ideal” life. Now think about what kind of year you would like to have. Write down some of the key things that you would like to achieve– and be realistic!
For example, if you want to be a millionaire but you don’t have a job then your goal of becoming a millionaire is not exactly realistic. However, it would become realistic once you get a job. It’s important to take baby steps toward achieving your goals.
If you want to get married, then for the first step, you would need to be in a relationship or improve the one you’re already in. Spend more time with the person you hope to marry. If you want to get out of debt and pay off the bills, your first step would be to cut back on spending, save money and start paying off some of the bills. If you want to get back in shape, then your first step would be to lose some weight, eat better, and start working out.
Get the idea?
2. Write Down Your Goals
Now write down the goals you have just set. Setting goals in your head is not good enough. Studies have shown that people who write down their goals are 80-percent more likely to achieve them than those that don’t. So write them down. By writing down your goals, you send a message to your subconscious mind. Your mind treats your goals as a high priority as it understands it’s importance, once you write it down. That’s when the subconscious mind then begins to work on them.
3. Why Are Your Goals Important?
The next thing you need to do is to decide why these goals are important. If you want a million dollars just to buy a new home and car should not be your only reason. Having security, comfort, peace of mind is a more reasonable reason for why you want a million dollars. If you want to be in a healthy relationship then ask yourself why? Keep asking yourself why until you reach a final answer. Most likely, you would want a healthy relationship to enjoy and express love, security, to be cared for and to care – get the idea?
Once you know why these goals are important to you – your motivation increases. It’s not the goals themselves – but what they bring. The rewards that come with achieving these goals is what truly motivates you. Throughout the year, keep those rewards in mind, as well as the real reason those goals are important to you. This will motivate you. Now being motivated is great, but you have to positively use and direct your motivation. You have to take action! Try taking small steps every day towards achieving your goals.
4. Forms of Action You Need to Take
Now that you have your list of goals and understand their importance to you, it’s now time to come up with a plan of action. There are two forms of action you need to take – one is the physical and the other is mental.
The Physical Form of Action
Think about all the things you can do to make those goals a reality. If you want to make more money, meet someone, lose weight, get a better job, etc., stop worrying! Think about what you can do to make your goal happen. Write it down. Saying I don’t know is not good enough. Saying I’ve tried everything isn’t acceptable either. There’s always a way – you just have to find the right one. So think about what you can do and keep adding to that list. Start following those steps and take the action necessary to achieve your goals. Make it a daily habit to do at least three things every day to achieve your goals.
The Mental Form of Action
The next and perhaps most important step is to train your mind to send the right messages to your subconscious mind. You won’t be able to achieve all your goals if you don’t believe that you can achieve them. You could have wonderful goals and noble reasons for achieving those goals, but if you don’t believe that you can achieve them – you won’t.
First, examine your beliefs about your goals. Do you think you can achieve them? Do you think it would be difficult? Any negative beliefs will limit your ability to achieve your goals. If you have negative or limiting beliefs about your goals, then you need to change them. You need to feed your mind the possibilities and send the right messages to your subconscious mind. What seems difficult should be considered easy. What you think you can’t do should become something that you can do.
For example, If you want to get a promotion but think, there’s too much competition or that you’re not qualified then you need to tell yourself, ‘I can get a promotion and I am qualified to get a promotion’. When you follow your plan of action and send the right messages to your subconscious mind you’ll then begin to create opportunities for yourself to achieve your goals.
5. Set Goals to Achieve Success
Things won’t happen overnight. But you will see the changes happening. Give yourself 12-months to set and achieve your goals. Do everything you can to make them a part of your reality. You too can begin improving your life. Yes, you can create the coincidences to achieve success, happiness and much more. Take control of your thoughts and you change your life. Start today – don’t waste another moment creating the life you don’t want. Remember, this is it. This is the only life you have. Use your incredible powers to make the most of it.
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