Just as our bodies change as we age and go through the various stages of life, so does our marriage. Sometimes these changes will be amazing, but other times they will challenge us in new ways. Every relationship has a few bumps along the road. Don’t let the troubles of life ruin your happiness. Instead, let marriage courses guide you to take better care of your mind, body, and your relationship. With proper tools and attitude, you will be able to reduce the stress in your life and create a healthy relationship.
Just like our bodies with exercise, we need to put effort into our marriage if we expect it to be a success. That’s why we’re looking at 6 ways to improve your marriage with exercise, meditation, and marriage courses.
1. Spent Time Together
The side effects of stress are not something you want to face if you wish to improve your marriage. Common symptoms of stress include headaches, fatigue, insomnia, difficulty relaxing, irritability, low libido, feeling overwhelmed or anxious, upset stomach, etc.
The good news is that research shows you can combat the effects of stress by doing something as simple as spending time with your partner. Whether you’re cooking dinner or hanging out on the couch, research shows that being together reduces harmful anxiety and promotes marital happiness.
Couples who shared new experiences and hobbies together also viewed their lives as more exciting and showed increased marital satisfaction when compared to couples who stick to their regular routines.
2. Create Compassion
Compassion is a significant way to improve your marriage. Online marriage courses can teach you that learning compassion will help you be more in-tune with your spouse’s feelings. In turn, this will cause you to be kinder and more thoughtful of their emotions, and opinions. It can also help you accept your partner for who they are.
When you can empathize with your partner, it makes it easier for you to talk to each other. It can also make celebrating successes much easier. Studies show couples are happier when they celebrate together and reaching personal goals at the gym or in your relationship are both wonderful milestones to celebrate.
3. Practice Physical Intimacy
The Oxycontin released during acts of physical intimacy has been shown to increase trust between partners. They also reduce stress and anxiety.
The journal Scientific Reports found that touch can be a powerful tool in reducing stress. Touch can convey an emotion, such as a flirtatious kiss on the cheek. It can also calm you down such as with a hug or massage. What’s more, the journal’s research shows that touch between partners can actually mitigate both psychological and physical distress.
4. Create A Spiritual Connection
Sharing your faith is also good for your physical health since studies show that those practicing religion can lower anxiety, better physical health (as they are less likely to smoke, do drugs, or over-drink) and lower suicide rates.
Research also shows that religious participation can particularly affect a man’s view of marriage for the better. Men are more likely to view their relationship as special and treat their partners better when regularly attending a religious service.
You do not have to be a religious person to create a spiritual connection with your spouse. One way you can do this is through yoga and meditation. Research finds that meditation reduces stress. You can meditate on scripture, on your wedding vows, on your spouse’s qualities, or even on your marriage course.
In fact, yoga is a great way for couples to tone up while improving their mental health together. Studies show that yoga has been proven to lower symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression. It’s also been shown to help couples find calmness in their daily lives, thus helping them improve their marriage.
5. Learn How To Solve Problems Together
Arguments can be a major obstacle when trying to improve your marriage. To learn how to problem-solve effectively, you must understand where your spouse is coming from. You can learn to communicate through marriage courses and view your spouse as your partner, not your enemy. This will help you both learn to attack the problem at hand – not each other. Instead of arguing, seek friendship.
The Journal of Happiness Studies found that partners are more satisfied in their relationship when they considered one another best friends. Another study highlights the importance of sharing friends, finding that – while spending time apart from your partner can be perfectly healthy – couples were happier when sharing the same group of friends.
This is likely because being, and sharing, friends means that couples get to spend more time together. Quality couple time has been closely linked to lowered stress and relationship satisfaction.
6. Exercise Together
Exercising is a great way to boost your health and your romantic connection. Not only does exercising together allow you to spend more quality time talking and laughing, but it also improves your workout.
Research shows that couples who exercise with a partner often extend the duration of their workout. They also experience more consistency and motivation at the gym.
Exercise is also a great way to relieve the stress in your life that could otherwise cause you to mistreat your spouse.
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