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motivation to learn

All human beings have an in-built desire to learn. This means that even after you graduate from college, you’ll get the urge to learn new things. However, there is a difference between having a motivation to learn and actually working in it.

Many people have a hard time finding the motivation to learn once they finish school. While you were in college, what motivated you to work hard was the grading system. You knew that if you did not study, you would fail. What will you use to push you out of your comfort zone now that you have no exams to study for?

Many people ignore this in-built desire to learn and go about life feeling like they have learnt all there is to know. This is not the best way to live life because learning new things not only opens your mind; it also opens doors of opportunity.

If you want to scale through the heights of your career, you have to be teachable. Being a know-it-all is very repulsive because you’ll always think your way is the right way. Learn to keep an open mind and listen to other people’s perspectives.

1. Choose What You Learn

Since you’ve completed your degree, you get to choose what you learn. Having control over what knowledge you consume is something you should not take for granted.

Go back to the drawing board and figure out what it is you’ve always learned. Since the internet is so resourceful, you’re bound to find resources to help you with your quest.

In college, I had no choice but to follow the school’s curriculum. Today I choose what I want to learn and go with the flow. This has made learning after college very enjoyable for me. I have taken a keen interest in languages because I realize that learning new languages allow you to see the world with fresh eyes.

2. Remind Yourself of the Outcome

This year, I have chosen to learn Korean. You must be wondering why I went with this language out of all languages in the world. Well, I have lived in Korea for a while now and what I speak is the bear minimum.

Of course, we don’t need the vocabulary to communicate on a daily basis bus I have chosen to dig deep and learn every word there is in this language. After all, fluency in a given language gives you the autonomy you cannot achieve any other way.

I visualize being in a position to walk in a restaurant and fluently order what I want to eat. This way, I have something I’m reaching for through my quest.

3. Have a Purpose

Setting goals without having a definite purpose is like building castles in the ear. The purpose is what drives you to work towards your goals. I’m not talking about struggling to learn something new so that you can win an argument in the office.

This kind of victory is momentary and it does not nourish your soul. You need to find a personal purpose that resonates with your growth as an individual. Always be grateful for whatever you’ve learnt and don’t feel bad when you lose one argument in the office.

As Oprah Winfrey said,

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.

4. Set your Goal

Now that you have your purpose in place, it now makes sense to set a goal. My goal for learning Korean is so that I can have a fulfilling relationship with my girlfriend. When you go out of your way to make communication better with your spouse, your relationship thrives. It doesn’t even have to be someone you’re involved with romantically. It could be a friend who holds an important place in your life.

5. Be Flexible

Don’t be so rigid about the way you choose something new. Be flexible and feel free to adopt new learning methods. While I was in college, there was only one way of learning. Now that I have since graduated, I can choose to mix up the way that I learn Korean.

There are so many ways to learn that sticking to just one is limiting yourself. When you use different methods, you not only boost your retention for information but also enjoy the learning process. Breaking monotony makes you look forward to learning one more thing.

6. Join Online Forums

You need to find a community that you can relate with. Whatever it is you’re learning, there is always a community online learning from each other. When you have like-minded people you can always talk to, you get to maintain your motivation to learn.

Discussion groups are amazing because you get people to correct you when you get the information wrong. I have a community of people who’re learning Korean that I chat with now and again. You’ll be surprised at the friendships that blossom when you join the right online forum.

7. Set Aside Time Each Day to Study

To achieve your goals, you have to be intentional about your learning. You need to set a fixed time each day when you study. As this year began, I decided that I’ll be waking up at 5 a.m. every morning to study Korean. So far, I have seen tremendous progress.

Now when the alarm goes off, I don’t struggle to wake up because I look forward to learning something new.

The good thing about setting a fixed time is it helps you develop a routine which over time, becomes part of your day. I wouldn’t feel okay if I failed to wake up early to learn Korean.

8. Create Mini-Goals

Lastly, you should have mini-goals for yourself so that the ultimate goals don’t feel too far off. A few months ago, I set a mini-goal of being able to answer to all Korean greetings. Now there is no greeting you can throw at me that I won’t be able to answer.


Learning never stops even after you graduate. Find something you’re passionate about and find the motivation to learn as much as you can about it. After all, the internet will provide you with all the resources you need.

Natalie Crawford

Natalie Crawford is a professional article writer who also doubles up as a life coach. She has been helping her clients improve their lives for close to five years now. She is a proficient writer who works with If you have any life improvement essays you need help with, Natalie is your go-to guy. Since she’s such an avid reader, she writes from different perspectives to ensure your reading audience can relate.

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1 Comment
  • Alex
    2:36 PM, 23 April 2023

    Thanks for this informative and helpful article. College graduation often becomes a turning point in students’ lives. Here is another interesting article on this important topic, which can help preserve natural curiosity and interest in studies long after your college years are over:

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